Friday, December 3, 2010

Brief Update

I have another interview for a 英語喫茶店!! Which is an English speaking cafe! Pretty much what I'd do is speak English to the people that come in and converse with them about to stuff to improve their English. Pays 1,000 yen/hour and looks like I should have a scheduled interview soon!
On top of that I've been recruited by Panasonic for a two hour interview to talk about one of their new razor products. 6,000 yen for two hours of work?! Hell yes I'm taking that.
On top of that I've been recruited by somebody to help him revise/edit his doctor's thesis. I think I'm up for the challenge and although the salary hasn't been negotiated I can probably work about 2,000-3,000/hour for this job and we'd meet twice a week for one hour sessions. BOOYAH!!!!!
I also have the interview for Gaba Corp (English teaching school) on Monday but we'll see how it goes. I will do my best!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

now where was I....

Ah yes. Before I lost my mind with calculus I was a fully functioning individual. I'd like to say I've recovered most of my former glory since then....most.
As some of you already know I've been religiously job hunting this past week. out of the dozens of applications I sent out I got reply.....a BIG reply from an English teaching organization. ME?! An English teacher??! Only in my wildest dreams could I have pictured this happening to me. However after a brief phone interview I was invited to attend a seminar on the company followed by yet another interview. The seminar was long, informative, and terrifying as all hell.
Everyone that was interviewing was much older than myself and I feel that I'm definitely underqualified for this position. However!!!! During the interview today I was invited to come back for yet another interview!!! During this one they will decide whether or not to hire me sooo I'll do my best to knock that interview out cold (no I will not be fighting the interviewer).
While being asked questions today I pushed my strength's (people skills, friendliness, eagerness to teach and overall desire to teach, etc) while playing down my weaknesses (lack of qualifications). One question I was particularly proud of was when he asked me about past teaching experience. Since I have none I talked up my training sessions with new employees at target. My multiple lectures, speeches, and papers I've written, and also that I've corrected many of friends paper's etc.
After explaining this he asked me again "so you really don't have any teaching experience do you?"
At which to I replied "By what you mean in your definition no"
I felt I handled every question very well. Well enough to get a third interview at least. Hopefully they will see that although I don't have the qualifications through a certificate I'm qualified due to my past life experiences.
In either case I might be out of my league but being able to play with the "big dogs" is both a challenge I welcome and is rather quite exciting.
So come what may I know I executed these interviews to the best of my capabilities and can use these experiences for later in life.
Annnd that is all :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. With the combination of personal issues, homesickness, overcoming culture shock, trying to get over a breakup, blahblahblah you know how it goes.
Anyways this one is going to be a little more on the rant/serious side of things because this really set me over the edge and if I don't unload somewhere I'm going to end up unleashing it unhealthily. Soooo here goes:

I failed my math midterm today.
Today, I woke up confident. I knew I was going to do good on the test because thanks for this man I have been able to self teach my self calculus. Me. Although I've always been good at math I've never liked it. So from an early age, due to lack of adult supervision in my teen years, I've been able to effectively "skip" out on taking math courses for as long as I could. I've never taken calculus before, I've never taken pre-calculus before, and my algebra 2/Trigonometry class that I took in college I took in my first term of college, when I was 19 years old. So from then until now (being 23 1/2) I haven't taken math.
Me, who upon taking this course that it would be better to give up and fail because I didn't understand the lessons. Me, who after weighing the consequences decided that since I've never failed a class before that I sure as hell shouldn't start during my 4th year in school.
So for the last two weeks I have been digging into the youtube vaults until I came across Sai Kahn and his demonstrations on various subjects of academia. The man is a genius. and his teaching style is superb, the only problem is that he ISN'T my teacher and I SHOULDN'T have to learn from this man in the first place. But despite that, using the "practice exam" my teacher gave me, examples from the text book, and Sai Khan's teaching I was able to finally get (limits, derivatives, and implicit differentiation). I understand it for the first time in my life and I did it all by myself. No thanks to the stupid fuck of a teacher that can't get fired due to her being on a ten year.
Before I continue I just thought I'd tell you a little about my teacher who's name isn't worth memorizing or noting. She sits in front of the class and lectures word for word from the textbook using the exact same textbook examples. Word. For. Word.
I couldn't believe when I signed up for the class and since the drop period was only a few days long it was too late to drop it when I made the decision to do so. SO I was stuck.
So as I was saying earlier I woke up with confidence today. I KNEW I was going to do good on this test. I was going to do it! When I entered math class I sat with confidence, I looked at the test with confidence, and then it all slipped away.....
NOTHING that was on the practice exam was on the real test. NOTHING!!!!!! Not even the same formulas. So here's an 11 question test with which I cannot use a calculator, and the formula sheet she handed out was absolutely useless, USELESS!!!!!
I probably answered 5-6 correctly and bombed the rest. So that was my midterm. Usually teachers make much larger tests so if student don't do well in some aspects of math they can at least exceed on the others to make up for it...nope! 50% of my grade, weighing on 11 questions that I couldn't answer.
This class is a joke. This school is a joke. This country is a joke in terms of academics. I can't believe I worked so hard for three years to go to this shitty school. I can't believe people here just passively accept it as being okay. I'm furious that there is nothing I can do about it. And yes, I'm losing my mind.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

two posts because I suck

Well it's been a while. I can say I've been having a bit of a hard time lately but I think I'm pulling myself out of it. As I say jokingly, "I think I'm on the up-swing!!!"
Soo here is what I MEANT to write last week and also a little something about today:

The Pumpkin Fiasco:
SO as you all know Halloween is quickly approaching. I've got a party to go to (where I will be dressing as God for the second time!), and ohhhh does it make me miss home. The colors are different here than they are back home. Also the air has a different feel to it. It's just too humid!!!! (It also doesn't help that a typhoon is on it's way as I type this).
Well in order to bring back some fond memories of home, late one night I mentioned in passing that it would be a lot of fun if we carved pumpkins together. I can't say it's one of my favorite things to do but I thought it would be a lot of fun considering the circumstances.
So my host mom suddenly gave this "light bulb turned on" look that she does on occasion that makes me rather nervous and says, "Well I actually have a pumpkin that I'm carving right now! Why don't you carve it for me?".
Great! I thought this would be a fun way to spend time with my host family. What was I possibly worried about before?! This is going to be a lot of fun! So I reply, "Sure, I'd love to!".
"Wait right here I'll be right back!", she says.
Then I realize what's happening. She wants me to carve the pumpkin right now?! It's ten pm!!! I'm just about to go brush my teeth......
Then in she comes with her pumpkin....The look on her face is sheer excitement. The pumpkin had already been half carved which left just a nose and mouth for me to do.
"Here are some templates", she says "so all you have to do is carve it".
So she hands me a swiss army knife and away I go. I was going to just do the run of the mill face when she says,
"This pumpkin cost me 25 dollars".
Sooooo now I was kind of stressed out. I'm about to butcher this poor woman's pumpkin she spent 25 dollars on. So I run back into my room, grab a sharpe, and trace the best damn face I can (keep in mind it's 10pm).
Doing my best not to fuck this up I carve a face and luckily it turned out okay......
But my host mom loved it and for the next several days had it placed outside where she could tell everyone she talked to about my pumpkin experience....

Today I woke up rather late (I'm also a bit pressed for time because I have to be running in a little bit). I had my usual "crazy ass hairdo" that one gets when you throw yourself around in your sleep. When I finally got downstairs to eat breakfast my host mom was in the middle of her flower arranging class. The house was more crowded than usual so it was a good call I put on a shirt before walking out of my room. Since my host mom was busy she had me make my own egg with breakfast and showed me where everything was.
While I was making the egg she was saying a lot about something that I couldn't quite understand. It had to with charging her camera battery and for some reason she couldn't do it. So after helping her with that she told me to come and get her when it was done charging so I could take a picture of the pumpkin I mentioned earlier (At this point it's a little.......soft to the say least). So she goes back to her class when the phone rings. Now I usually don't answer the phone in the house because I'm awkward enough as it is on the phone in English, let alone my broken Japanese, and this was no exception.
After a minute my host mom returns and after I tell her she had a phone call. She then tells me, "It's okay if you answer the phone, just say 'Isohata's' and then bring the phone to me".
Well great! I've been wanting to practice my Japanese over the phone anyways so this would be a good way for me to do it. So after a few minutes the phone rings again but this time! I answer it. :D
Me: "Hello! This is Micah of the Isohata's!"
Other person: "Warrffbbblleeegraaarrabbbellleeaarrrbbbllee" (I couldn't understand what they said)
Me: "I'm sorry what? My host mom is teaching a class but wait a moment please"
Other person: "WAAARRRBLEEGARRBLEE!!!! Please get her for me"
Me: "Okay, just wait a moment please"

So I head into my host mom's classroom but then it occured to hair is still crazy!!!! It looks as if I've been struck by lightning and now I'm about to walk into the middle of her class with a bunch of women I don't know in a country where looking good is crucial...fuck!!!!!!!!
So what else could I do?! I knock on the door of her class and one of her students opens the door and sees crazy haired me asking where my host mom is.
"Oh....uhhh.....she went downstairs into 'Hane Hane'" (the name of the tea shop that's downstairs).
Okay, well that place is usually empty so I guess it's okay. So I head downstairs, go to the door of Hane Hane, and it's filled with women I've never met before!!!! Well there's no way in hell I'm going in there!!!! This phone call can wait.
I turned around and placed the phone back, washed the dishes as quickly as I can and....the phone rings again....
So I go to answer it, but accidentally hit the wrong button on the phone and hangup on them. (PHEW!!!!!).
After that I washed the last of my dishes and quickly escaped into my room. Talking on the phone sucks!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Japanese Names

Well I've been in Japan for almost 4 weeks now. I'm starting to get a feel for the Japanese way of life but one thing still eludes me. I've made a lot of new friends here and have been introduced to so many different individuals it's been great. My Japanese is flourishing from it and although there is still much I don't know I'm really getting into the flow of the language. However, I cannot for the life of me ever remember these names!!!! Hiroyuki, Tomogawa, Takki, Hitomi, Erika (okay that's easy to remember), Mayu, Miwa, Emi, and a host of other names just seem to flow into one ear and immediately right out the other. When I first got here they thought it was a fun to ask me "Do you remember my name?"
Nowadays that's died down (thank God) but the problem still persists. So now, whenever I see someone I just have to play the "I know you but I'm going to dance around your name" game.
Also, the "all Asians look alike" thing is sometimes not so far off. Sometimes I'll meet someone knew and before I introduce myself I think (dear God have I met this person before?!) They don't look familiar but that doesn't mean I haven't met them...So instead of taking action I just stand their awkwardly...they look at me, I look at them, back to looking at me, I quickly look away, repeat. Eventually they either build up the courage to introduce themselves (if they haven't already), say hello to me (if they already knew me), annnnd that's pretty much how it's been.
Not only that but I've yet to come up with any sort of sensible plan to remember these names....I'm screwed!!!! Oh why do Japanese names have to be like this?!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Japan is truly an interesting place.
This culture is introverted yet quick to grab the newest, coolest, thing from abroad and make it their own.
They're open to new ways of thinking but yet close minded at the same time.
They're quick to advance in technology but slow to change as a country.
They're on time all the time and to be but a minute late is quite the offense. But at the same time they take their time with everything they do. Everything has to be perfect down to putting a stamp on a postcard or covering a bird cage with a blanket.

Now I don't believe in God but I do believe in something greater than man. You can call it whatever you want but I'm pretty sure everybody will be right on this because only you can determine your own faith....anyways!
I don't believe in God per say but let's have a flashback to the 4th grade in Mr. Clift's class. During one of our Bible sessions he talked about patience taking a lifetime to learn. He said that when he was younger he asked God to teach him patience and God had never forgotten.
So I, being who I am, on that same day I stepped outside of the classroom, either for recess or because the day was over, and I put my hands together and I prayed and I said "God, I want you to teach me patience". You see I was quite the impatient individual. I still am but I'll get to that. Back then I couldn't wait 5 seconds for something. I had to have it now!
If I couldn't get whatever it is I wanted in a reasonable amount of time I would usually give up and move onto something else.
Well over the years and through various events occurring in my life, my patience level has increased quite a dramatic amount.
I can now wait quite a long time for things and not have it bother me. Waiting 45 minutes on the side of a ride for a car to pick me up, Waiting several hours for a breakfast at a nice restaurant, waiting three years to come to where I am now.
So before coming to Japan I really feel like I've gotten quite a handle on my patience...well I was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong.
The Japanese people spend a grand amount of time waiting. While doing a group activity one day everyone waited in the hot sun for a good 45 minutes for other people to show even though the shade was so close...
The last time I was here I waited over two hours in heavy traffic, thirty minutes to find a parking spot, two and a half hours in a line and for what? to through five yen into an altar, clap my hands twice, and pray to the gods to favor me for the coming year.
At the swimming pool last Sunday it was so crowded that I had to swim behind some of the slowest swimmers ever, and everyone was okay with it! Walking down the street yields the same results. Everyone walks to slowly, everyone!!! Now I know I walk fast but wow, I'm like The Flash here!
Eating also seems to be a problem. I eat fast. There's no way around that. But man I am literally the fastest eater out of everyone, every time I eat with people. Every time!
I think the worst part is after a long day and I'm starving, it takes a very long time to make dinner...and also breakfast. Now my host mom is a fantastic cook and I would never rag on her cooking. It's just it takes. so. damn. long!
So needless to say God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, or whatever you want to call it, has clearly not forgotten my childhood plea, and probably never will.
So either I'm blessed I have so my attention doted on me by this being or I'm cursed and forever doomed to live a life where I will never truly learn what it is I thought would take a very short amount of time when I was small, impatient child.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Japanese foods that suck...

So as most of you know I love Asian food. From Thai curry to Japanese Natto each region of Asia has it's own unique flavors, cooking styles, and dishes. Japan by far has my favorite cuisine but there is some food here believe it or not that just outright sucks. So I want to try and dedicate some space on my blog to this shitty food as I encounter it.
Now I love Japanese food so I don't want you to think that I'm lumping it all into this category but there is some food that even I have a hard time stomaching (this coming from a guy who can down balout).
Today I want to talk about Mochi.
Mochi, as I knew it until today comes in a variety of colors and is filled with goodies such as Anko or Ice Cream and is quite the tasty dessert.

So when my host mom told me I'd be having mochi for lunch today I was rather curious...Why is that I'm having mochi for lunch? I wasn't about to question it but as I sat down I realized this kind of mochi wasn't filled with anything. It was just a solid cube of pounded glutinous rice (don't worry I'm not ragging on my host mom's cooking, it came from a package). So we then heated said brick in a toaster over and it began to grow, and grow, and grow....and......pop.......???
After 5 minutes in the toaster over I took said lump of goo and doused it with soy sauce. I'm not talking a little spritz I mean filling a bowl with the stuff and rolling it around in it, which is then wrapped with a piece of salty seaweed and eaten.
Now there's another Japanese food I have a hard time eating that I'll talk about later due to the amount of salt content but this seaweed wrapped ball of packed rice and salt was pretty rough. But I had to put my best foot forward and eat it....nono not just one....but three!!!!! THREE!!!!!!
As I was eating my host mom popped her head out and said "Isn't it delicious?!"
while trying to chew this was nearly impossible the best response I could give was "mufffmrrruuummpphhhmumphmuph"
well after two my host dad told me I didn't need to add more soy sauce in the bowl for the third mochi because there was already enough in I replied "well I'm kinda full from the last two so if you want it.....?"
"No that's not what I said" he said, "You don't need to add more soy it".
Now I was trapped and had to eat a third mochi. With the best effort and with the biggest exertion of mastication ever I managed to down it as quickly as possible, with it slithering like a slug all the way down my throat.
Once again my host mom pops out of the kitchen saying "Isn't it delicious?!"...
I personally enjoy eating weird food but packed rice and copious amounts of salt....not my bff....but I managed a "yeah it's pretty good" back to her.
she then tells me how much she loves the stuff.....why wouldn't they eat the third piece?! :(
So if you're ever in Japan and you see this:
You're safe to eat it.....
but if you ever see this:
don't even think about eating feels like a solid brick has been dropped in my stomach....because it has.

Friday, September 24, 2010


So I've been in Japan for 10 days now and it sure has been quite the ten days.
The first day was real rough and ended in me ralphing from the ninth story window of my hotel...I felt really bad for the passersby.
My Japanese wasn't exactly what I would call "up to par" and going out to dinner was mostly a giant awkward fest. What with the Japanese students being unable to communicate with me and vice versa (I refuse to use English!!!!).
the next couple of days were racked with orientation sess after orientation sess. Boring, but useful information.
After three days in the hotel I moved in with my host family, the Isohata's :).
They're some of the nicest people I've met. Sweet, friendly, willing to hear me out, despite the language barrier. I'm really glad they don't speak english though because this is how I'm going to become fluent, by only using Japanese.
I found a nice gym near my house with a pool I go swimming in twice a week. Next week I'm also going to resume training for the Tokyo Marathon. I'll find out next month whether or not I get in but I can't quit training.
Tocay, we had our last orientation session, where after meeting some pretty ladies (They're everywhere!!!!) I headed off with my new friends for Karaoke. After that my host mom arranged a meeting for me with a really famous yoga instructor. and Tuesday I'm going to her class.
Sure has been quite the experience thus far. The food is amazing, the people are great, and school starts in two days. Well that's the short of it.
Until next time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

two months in Glacier

Well I've been in Glacier for two months and I have to say this has been one of the craziest and best summers of my life. I've met a lot of great people, did so many things I never thought I'd get to do, seen enough bears to last a lifetime, and am really figuring my shit out.
In just one month I leave to Japan, another part of my time away from home. I can't say I'm ready for such a dramatic shift from being in the middle of nowhere to suddenly being in the largest city in the world, but who really is?
I'm really going to miss this place but if things work out then maybe I'll be back.
In about a week people will start to slowly trickle away from Swiftcurrent. Some friends, some not so friends, but things are going to start changing soon. Change is hard but I'm ready for what may come.
Well the last few days have been pretty crazy. Yesterday was our talent show. A friend and I played a song we wrote and although we didn't win, we accomplished what we setout to do, have a good time and get some laughs.
Also, it's Ramadan...and that means....The Jordanians will be exceptionally cranky....ugh
I suppose that's it, you can watch the video of mine and Matt's performance on facebook.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I found God in a few mountains in Montana.

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July!

The 4th of July.....I worked a long shift, got hella tips, and then heard about the rumor mill that they were having fireworks down at Babb (about 12 miles away) So me and about 12 other people all climbed into two cars and drove down to Babb, and the dive known as Charlie's bar. A native american hangout for those extra gangster Blackfeet. Anyways being mostly white doesn't exactly put you on the in crowd but I didn't really need to go inside since I was there to watch the fireworks...which had apparently already ended.
After my second runin with a crazy drunk lady deciding she was going to go for a ride with us, the 7 of us that decided to leave since there were no fireworks headed back in Erika's 5 seater Saturn. Upon entering the park I like to do this thing where Daniel, since the park box is closed pretends to look at my badge and well this is sounding silly but he pretends to look at it and decides whether or not to let me in.
This time....because it was funny, I drove off and left him at the station. After a couple of minutes I drove back to pick him up and he was talking with someone....a Police officer.....
I turned around, got out of the car and began to talk my way out of why I straight up left someone behind at the ranger station...why nobody was wearing seatbelts, why there were 7 of us in the car etc etc.
Well it worked....and they let us off with a warning. I went home at around 1 and woke up at 6 today for work.
This had to have been one of the better 4th of July's I've had.
Hope it was all well with you folks!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Forgot my bad day I DID SHANGRILAH!!!!!

Soo this morning is my first day off in a week so I slept in and sleepily walked to the employee dining room or EDR for a quick breakfast and then I was off to figure out what exactly I was to do today. My co-worker Max told me he was going on a hike but I was really tired so I sorta blew it off until Josh mentioned that we were going to do Shangrilah. I didn't know what it was but I remember everybody talking about it and saying how amazing it was so I decided I better do it. So after a quick breakfast I changed really quick and headed off towards the hike that I had no clue about. I was told it would take about two hours so I didn't bring much food...that was a mistake.
At first the hike was really easy, just a simple trail that was on the way to Red Rock Falls but then we began cross countrying through the woods and along a stream. As we were hiking, on the mountain slope next to us we (me and my friend Josh who had been seperated from the rest of the group) encountered the biggest grizzly bear I have ever seen. Not that I've seen that many grizzlies but this one was BIG! We began hollering and shouting and waving as to not surprise it but instead I think it just made the bear a little more curious of us...sooo it stood there checking us out, and me knowing all too well that it could cover the 150 yards of distance between us in no time and me not being able to move very much due to the thickness of the underbrush. I had bear spray but it's not very comforting....Anyways the bear loped off around the side of the mountain...towards are companions who apparently encountered the bear as well.
Soooo after a long uphill haul we began freeclimbing the rock face of this mountain in order to enter the punchbowl of Iceberg Lake which was still a few miles off. After the rock wall a mile hike over ice and mud, followed by another rock wall. Along the way I saw several small lakes and all sorts of cool flowers and scenery.
Then, after climbing, and hiking, and waiting for the people who were scared shitless of this hike (with reason of course) we summit the side of this mountain peak and behold!!! SHANGRILAH!!!!!! The view was absolutely gorgeous!!! The way down however was....hairy. Skree. At the steepest angle I've ever encountered. SO like everybody else in the group we began making our way down. At one point almost getting hit bit a giant boulder that became dislodged. SO at the end of this skree field was a giant ice patch...I didn't want to go on it but I watched Josh slide down it so I thought it looked pretty cool so I made a steep cut towards the ice, and turned on my camera to film either my death or something cool.
So I'm making my way to the ice and BAM!!! the ice was slick and I lose my footing sending me in an uncontrollable slide towards the punchbowl valley. I narrowly avoid this rock, and that rock, and then slide right over one! It was the biggest addrenaline rush I've ever had!!! I was ALIVE!!! when I reached the bottom all I could d was laugh and shout and cheer. It was perfect. A little bruised, a little battered I hit the trail back to home. Oh yeah...I almost jumped into the frozen lake at the bottom before cutting out.
I spent the rest of the day playing guitar and fishing. It was a perfect end to a perfect day. I love this place and despite the stress of my job all i have to do is walk outside after my shift, breathe, look around and I'm allright. This is paradise and it's almost perfect. Almost :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Long Day part 1

June 27, 2010
Today was rough. But before I get to today I want to go over the last few days since they were pretty frickin’ cool. On my days off earlier in the week Erica, Daniel and myself all decided to venture into Canada for a couple of days to see the sights, visit various places and just do whatever. I bought a few things…namely a pillow and a new pair of pants for work, oh yeah and Kinder eggs. What are Kinder Eggs you ask? Well Kinder Eggs are a chocolate egg with a small toy inside that’s comparable to what you would find in a happy meal…only cooler. So I had never seen these before so I bought a couple since it was kind of fun and a bit of a joke between the three of us. Well what I didn’t know was that Kinder Eggs aren’t sold in the US for a reason…I mean it crossed my mind a few times as to why they have them in Canada and not here in the US but I was too enthralled in the idea of them to really consider it. So after staying a night in Fort Mclaud, Alberta we headed back across the border. Before this, a couple days before I was talking to Daniel as to why it’s better to not give extra information when being questioned by the police in hopes he would take it to heart since he kind of rambles when speaking with them. Well the Border Patrol Officer asked us if we bought anything and the first thing that Daniel mentioned was that we had Kinder Eggs. The border officer…not quite seeing the awesomeness and silliness in this got incredibly pissed that we were trying to bring something that was illegal over the border. ILLEGAL!!!!! KINDER EGGS!!!!! We asked him why and apparently we here in the states are too stupid to realize that there is in fact a toy inside the chocolate and not another edible piece of plastic. They would have searched the car….they would have confiscated them from us and probably fined us, but instead they made us turn around, go back into Canada, and throw them away. Erica was pissed so she threw all the toys in her shoes and we crossed the border again. They let us through and we successfully smuggled small plastic toys across the border despite the best efforts of the Border Patrol Agents. Since then I’ve been giving Daniel a hard time about it.
Well a few days went by and one night after work we decided to head out to get cell phone reception so Daniel could get his clock working again on his phone. I had never seen the moon so bright before. And after that, when we arrived at the point where we get cell phone service there was a fireworks show that I got to watch. It was a pretty amazing night….and Filip is hilarious.
Well that brings me to today…but I’m too tired to write about it so I’ll finish it tomorrow. Goodnight.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Life in Glacier Park

Sooo all in all things have been going pretty well here. I like my new job. My bosses are really nice, the people I work with are cool, the area is really beautiful, I'm getting more free time than I've ever had before, and well it's just plain nice. The other day when asked how I was I said jokingly that I was "living the dream". It's something I used to say when I worked at Target. But I realized that I actually AM living my dream right now. I'm about to go live in Japan. I'm finishing up my degree. I'm a step away from paradise right now. It's just really cool.
I've also met some extraordinary people already and I've only been here a little more than a week. Things are just about perfect I'd say. Anyways that's all. Just thought I'd share it with ya.
The weather sucks but I might go fishing later....hopefully I won't have another deer encounter.

Deer problems

Soooo I got attacked by a deer today. But before I get there let me explain how the day went down. The last several days have been rainy, cold as shit, and pretty miserable. I have been couped up in doors all the time playing guitar, doing yoga, hanging out with Daniel and Erica, etc. The Jordanians have been acting crazy as fuck….ugh……I could go on about them but I won’t start. Sooo today, finally, after several days of shit it was sunny, warm, and realllllly nice. So this new friend, Sasha, that I made at Many Glacier Hotel and I went for a hike to Iceberg lake some 5 miles away after my breakfast shift. I was tired so I slept in the common room for half an hour. Sasha was a cool guy…a little crazy…but cool. We talked about relationships and he gave me some good advice…and some not good advice, but good advice was mixed in so it was cool. After the hike I had 30 minutes to change and get to work. I had planned to go fishing with Josh and Pua after work but they bailed so I grabbed my roomy Sam and my other roomy’s girlfriend Anna who I just met today. Sooo we almost arrive at the fishing spot and the two Slovakian guys Rusty and Filip show up and since they like fishing a lot they decided to stick around too. A few casts in one spot and we see them all jumping in other areas. Sooo we head over there. I failed a few times and handed the pole off to a few other people. Rusty, on his first cast catches a fish. After a few more casts he catches another one!!! And then nothing…….soo Sam was getting cold and Anna had to meet her boyfriend so we all decide to cast one last time. Me, nothing. Filip, Nothing. Anna, Nothing. Rusty…….catches another fish. So after a lot of laughs and chatting we pass by a spot that earlier had a moose and calf. But instead there was a male deer. The buck didn’t heed much attention and Rusty and Filip wanted to check it out up close and take some photos. The last deer experience I had went well so I thought it’d be allright….until the deer got pissed off that we were too close. The fucking thing started shaking it’s head, left to right, left to right. I told everyone to back up…..despite the adrenalin coursing its way through was really funny. It did a lot of the same things Anthony the rabbit did before it charged (deer and rabbits are in the same family). So here we were, pissed off Bambi and all. I’m gonna break this down piece by piece for you guys. Bambi takes his head down real low shaking it from side to side doing a couple of ballerina kicks with its back legs, doing a couple mock charges. Had we ran it woulda chased us so despite the terror/hilarity I told everyone not to run but rather back away slowly. So what happens? Filip and Rusty B-line it for the Aspen grove behind us to try and climb the slippery motherfuckers. They didn’t do a very good job. Bambi on ‘roids began to mock charge Sam and Anna so in order to save their asses I pulled my bear spray and got between them and the deer. Bear spray works on bears to maybe it’ll through the deer off too right? Plus it’s the only thing I had…had I gun we would be eating venison for the next few days. After the deer does a couple more ballerina kicks it begans heading for Rusty and Filip. Since they climbed the crappiest trees they could find they weren’t very high up…and they were too far away for me to get there in time. I had to hope the deer wouldn’t charge them. Luckily the deer decided it too also had enough of our shit and sauntered off into the aspen grove. At this point hilarious laughter erupted from the whole group. What idiots we were thinking we could get that close to the fucking thing. Well I’ve learned my lesson and really don’t want to break a rib this summer. I’ve had enough pissed off Bambi to last a while. Goodnight.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legends fade to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The mist was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.
-Robert Jordan
And thus another beginning becomes of my life. I am ready.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It hurts.

So Jenn and I broke up. I can't say what the future holds but right now it really hurts. I'm sure it does for her too. I just figured the best thing is to talk about it.

I'm not looking for advice just so everybody is clear. I've had enough bad advice through this to realize the only one that truly understands what is happening is myself and of course Jenn. I just think the best way to heal is to be open about it, think about what I did wrong, what I can learn from this, and what I can do to better myself from it.

I was never a good communicator. I'd always keep in inside or not share it because I was afraid of how it would impact the relationship. That made things tense. When feeling put in an emotional corner when talking about things I get completely silent and don't say a word. I tried to solve my own problems by myself with making it a team effort. This is what I should improve on. I feel like I've learned a great deal about myself, about relationships, about being happy, and about strength that I only hope to better in the future. I have no regrets, no hard feelings, no ill will at all.....and without sounding to emo I'm just in pain.

Well that's all I've got. Like I said I don't know what the future holds. I know it isn't as bleak as it feels right now.