Thursday, December 2, 2010

now where was I....

Ah yes. Before I lost my mind with calculus I was a fully functioning individual. I'd like to say I've recovered most of my former glory since then....most.
As some of you already know I've been religiously job hunting this past week. out of the dozens of applications I sent out I got reply.....a BIG reply from an English teaching organization. ME?! An English teacher??! Only in my wildest dreams could I have pictured this happening to me. However after a brief phone interview I was invited to attend a seminar on the company followed by yet another interview. The seminar was long, informative, and terrifying as all hell.
Everyone that was interviewing was much older than myself and I feel that I'm definitely underqualified for this position. However!!!! During the interview today I was invited to come back for yet another interview!!! During this one they will decide whether or not to hire me sooo I'll do my best to knock that interview out cold (no I will not be fighting the interviewer).
While being asked questions today I pushed my strength's (people skills, friendliness, eagerness to teach and overall desire to teach, etc) while playing down my weaknesses (lack of qualifications). One question I was particularly proud of was when he asked me about past teaching experience. Since I have none I talked up my training sessions with new employees at target. My multiple lectures, speeches, and papers I've written, and also that I've corrected many of friends paper's etc.
After explaining this he asked me again "so you really don't have any teaching experience do you?"
At which to I replied "By what you mean in your definition no"
I felt I handled every question very well. Well enough to get a third interview at least. Hopefully they will see that although I don't have the qualifications through a certificate I'm qualified due to my past life experiences.
In either case I might be out of my league but being able to play with the "big dogs" is both a challenge I welcome and is rather quite exciting.
So come what may I know I executed these interviews to the best of my capabilities and can use these experiences for later in life.
Annnd that is all :)

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