Friday, May 14, 2010

It hurts.

So Jenn and I broke up. I can't say what the future holds but right now it really hurts. I'm sure it does for her too. I just figured the best thing is to talk about it.

I'm not looking for advice just so everybody is clear. I've had enough bad advice through this to realize the only one that truly understands what is happening is myself and of course Jenn. I just think the best way to heal is to be open about it, think about what I did wrong, what I can learn from this, and what I can do to better myself from it.

I was never a good communicator. I'd always keep in inside or not share it because I was afraid of how it would impact the relationship. That made things tense. When feeling put in an emotional corner when talking about things I get completely silent and don't say a word. I tried to solve my own problems by myself with making it a team effort. This is what I should improve on. I feel like I've learned a great deal about myself, about relationships, about being happy, and about strength that I only hope to better in the future. I have no regrets, no hard feelings, no ill will at all.....and without sounding to emo I'm just in pain.

Well that's all I've got. Like I said I don't know what the future holds. I know it isn't as bleak as it feels right now.

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