Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hamlet.......Does Godawful come to mind??

So we did our Hamlet scenes this week, and let me tell you, it was terrible. All but a few people did really bad (Rory, you sir are in the "few" category). Even I did shitty. I wasn't acting, I don't know what I was doing really, I suppose I was just trying to get it over with. Redemption, thy name is Tartuffe!!!
I'd like to have some grand excuse for this...erm....lapse, but I'm not sure what caused it. I suppose I just never made time for it, which is stupid of me because it's three needed credits so I can graduate. But I had two major projects, the play, moving, and Japanese homework to do, so I guess that's what slowed me in wanting to learn. Oh and I just started my second job again working at 4 am, so I'm "readjusting" my life so to speak (Hey! that's not as bad of an excuse as I thought!!!)
Anyways, Tartuffe is up and I'm determined not to fail. I will do this, I have to do this. I will be better, just as soon as I write Terry's journals and essay.......(fuck).


rory said...

Hey, I didn't do that well on the scene either. I had pretty much zero energy, and really wish I had played it crazier, plus I was inconsistent, and not in a crazy way. Oh well. On to bigger and more lascivious things! Tartuffe is going to be great, and with my raw sexual magnetism, easy too!

As to the Wicked tickets: turns out you only get the discount while it is still in presale, so no luck there. My dad is going to bug the concierge lady of their building and see if there is something else, so we will see.

Betty said...

I see you are trying to get Wicked tickets, have you read the book. I haven't but I would like to. That would be one great performance to see, hope you get to go .