Tuesday, November 18, 2008

All Things Baseball...and Yellow Stockings...

So it's been a while since I really made a post here, oh where oh where do I begin?
The Brighton Beach Memoirs is going quite well. I was so impressed by how everything just sort of "snapped" together at the last minute and disorganized as we were, the whole cast and crew really put on their A game last Thursday for opening. It was so beautiful I almost cried.
We just have one more week left of the production but if you get the chance seeeee itttttt! It's amazing. I'll be there on Thursday and then I'll be AWOL for the rest of the production, only to hand back props at the beginning of next week to their respectful owners.
Despite the huge amount of stress that accompanies a performance, I'm really glad I got to be a part of it and even more so that I was able to see the whole thing through to the end without going bald! (I like having hair...)
I just hope the momentum carries us into next week where we can wrap this production up and worry about the next one in January (of which I will be auditioning for) :)
As for class, we did our Twelfth Night scenes today. Let me tell you, I would have much rather preferred we did them last Thursday. I was very tired, not in the mindset of the character and oh baby did it show like a hookers butt cheek. I still got a good grade but had I been in the "zone" I would have been much more apt to receiving a better grade. But what can you do? I still did good...just not great.
But at least it is out of the way. I can begin focusing on my third play, Hamlet. Ugh, how I hate your iambic pentameter Shakespeare, how I hate it. It's difficult to work on, but I will get it down, or at least I'll give it my best shot.
On a complete side note I am so glad this term is coming to its dramatic conclusion. I'll have a degree. I'll have a life again, and most importantly of all, I'll have money, money that I can use to do my most favorite drug in the world, heroine! (It's actually travelling, just in case you were getting worried).


rory said...

Brighton Beach is going great. Right now it is the second Thursday show, and Stanley just came back. It's going awesooooome. Then again, I get to be off headset second act (it hurts my ears, okay!) so I don't know for sure. Sound has been going great, and I am really happy with how the intermission, erm, interlude(?) sounds pretty good. I actually learned a lot with that!

Our scene! Yeah, we would have kicked so much more butt Thursday. I couldn't really tell it was off for you, you did great in my eyes. I screwed up a line, thank god no one noticed, my off-ness can be quantified :p

Oh man is Hamlet intimidating me. Hamlet is without a doubt the play I respect the most, and playing the role of Hamlet is ... crazy. Plus I'm not sure how crazy to play it. I'm going to watch the Mel Gibson version again. As much as he hates Jews, it's actually not bad. Also working on getting two other versions. And rereading it. I'm a lil' scared, okay?

rory said...


For the tech final, maybe, since we don't have your email.