Monday, October 4, 2010


Japan is truly an interesting place.
This culture is introverted yet quick to grab the newest, coolest, thing from abroad and make it their own.
They're open to new ways of thinking but yet close minded at the same time.
They're quick to advance in technology but slow to change as a country.
They're on time all the time and to be but a minute late is quite the offense. But at the same time they take their time with everything they do. Everything has to be perfect down to putting a stamp on a postcard or covering a bird cage with a blanket.

Now I don't believe in God but I do believe in something greater than man. You can call it whatever you want but I'm pretty sure everybody will be right on this because only you can determine your own faith....anyways!
I don't believe in God per say but let's have a flashback to the 4th grade in Mr. Clift's class. During one of our Bible sessions he talked about patience taking a lifetime to learn. He said that when he was younger he asked God to teach him patience and God had never forgotten.
So I, being who I am, on that same day I stepped outside of the classroom, either for recess or because the day was over, and I put my hands together and I prayed and I said "God, I want you to teach me patience". You see I was quite the impatient individual. I still am but I'll get to that. Back then I couldn't wait 5 seconds for something. I had to have it now!
If I couldn't get whatever it is I wanted in a reasonable amount of time I would usually give up and move onto something else.
Well over the years and through various events occurring in my life, my patience level has increased quite a dramatic amount.
I can now wait quite a long time for things and not have it bother me. Waiting 45 minutes on the side of a ride for a car to pick me up, Waiting several hours for a breakfast at a nice restaurant, waiting three years to come to where I am now.
So before coming to Japan I really feel like I've gotten quite a handle on my patience...well I was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong.
The Japanese people spend a grand amount of time waiting. While doing a group activity one day everyone waited in the hot sun for a good 45 minutes for other people to show even though the shade was so close...
The last time I was here I waited over two hours in heavy traffic, thirty minutes to find a parking spot, two and a half hours in a line and for what? to through five yen into an altar, clap my hands twice, and pray to the gods to favor me for the coming year.
At the swimming pool last Sunday it was so crowded that I had to swim behind some of the slowest swimmers ever, and everyone was okay with it! Walking down the street yields the same results. Everyone walks to slowly, everyone!!! Now I know I walk fast but wow, I'm like The Flash here!
Eating also seems to be a problem. I eat fast. There's no way around that. But man I am literally the fastest eater out of everyone, every time I eat with people. Every time!
I think the worst part is after a long day and I'm starving, it takes a very long time to make dinner...and also breakfast. Now my host mom is a fantastic cook and I would never rag on her cooking. It's just it takes. so. damn. long!
So needless to say God, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, or whatever you want to call it, has clearly not forgotten my childhood plea, and probably never will.
So either I'm blessed I have so my attention doted on me by this being or I'm cursed and forever doomed to live a life where I will never truly learn what it is I thought would take a very short amount of time when I was small, impatient child.

1 comment:

Glenn said...

Interesting perspective Thomas, somtimes we miss another option in our either/or statements... the possibility that we can be both;)