Monday, June 21, 2010

Deer problems

Soooo I got attacked by a deer today. But before I get there let me explain how the day went down. The last several days have been rainy, cold as shit, and pretty miserable. I have been couped up in doors all the time playing guitar, doing yoga, hanging out with Daniel and Erica, etc. The Jordanians have been acting crazy as fuck….ugh……I could go on about them but I won’t start. Sooo today, finally, after several days of shit it was sunny, warm, and realllllly nice. So this new friend, Sasha, that I made at Many Glacier Hotel and I went for a hike to Iceberg lake some 5 miles away after my breakfast shift. I was tired so I slept in the common room for half an hour. Sasha was a cool guy…a little crazy…but cool. We talked about relationships and he gave me some good advice…and some not good advice, but good advice was mixed in so it was cool. After the hike I had 30 minutes to change and get to work. I had planned to go fishing with Josh and Pua after work but they bailed so I grabbed my roomy Sam and my other roomy’s girlfriend Anna who I just met today. Sooo we almost arrive at the fishing spot and the two Slovakian guys Rusty and Filip show up and since they like fishing a lot they decided to stick around too. A few casts in one spot and we see them all jumping in other areas. Sooo we head over there. I failed a few times and handed the pole off to a few other people. Rusty, on his first cast catches a fish. After a few more casts he catches another one!!! And then nothing…….soo Sam was getting cold and Anna had to meet her boyfriend so we all decide to cast one last time. Me, nothing. Filip, Nothing. Anna, Nothing. Rusty…….catches another fish. So after a lot of laughs and chatting we pass by a spot that earlier had a moose and calf. But instead there was a male deer. The buck didn’t heed much attention and Rusty and Filip wanted to check it out up close and take some photos. The last deer experience I had went well so I thought it’d be allright….until the deer got pissed off that we were too close. The fucking thing started shaking it’s head, left to right, left to right. I told everyone to back up…..despite the adrenalin coursing its way through was really funny. It did a lot of the same things Anthony the rabbit did before it charged (deer and rabbits are in the same family). So here we were, pissed off Bambi and all. I’m gonna break this down piece by piece for you guys. Bambi takes his head down real low shaking it from side to side doing a couple of ballerina kicks with its back legs, doing a couple mock charges. Had we ran it woulda chased us so despite the terror/hilarity I told everyone not to run but rather back away slowly. So what happens? Filip and Rusty B-line it for the Aspen grove behind us to try and climb the slippery motherfuckers. They didn’t do a very good job. Bambi on ‘roids began to mock charge Sam and Anna so in order to save their asses I pulled my bear spray and got between them and the deer. Bear spray works on bears to maybe it’ll through the deer off too right? Plus it’s the only thing I had…had I gun we would be eating venison for the next few days. After the deer does a couple more ballerina kicks it begans heading for Rusty and Filip. Since they climbed the crappiest trees they could find they weren’t very high up…and they were too far away for me to get there in time. I had to hope the deer wouldn’t charge them. Luckily the deer decided it too also had enough of our shit and sauntered off into the aspen grove. At this point hilarious laughter erupted from the whole group. What idiots we were thinking we could get that close to the fucking thing. Well I’ve learned my lesson and really don’t want to break a rib this summer. I’ve had enough pissed off Bambi to last a while. Goodnight.

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