Tuesday, February 17, 2009

people are retards...fuck

So, as most of you don't know I've had a major shift in eating habits within the last 6 months. I've cut out red meat, I'm starting to buy organic, I don't eat chicken anymore, and I'm reducing my meat intake to entirely fish, but only that one's that are sustainably harvested if I can help it. I'm also trying to buy more locally grown foods. This isn't because of some ethical reason, like I'm trying to save the poor mentally retarded cows, or chickens. But rather because this planet, whether you believe it or not, is overly populated, too populated to sustain people eating a diet of mostly meat products...allow me to explain using cattle ranching as an example.

The amount of energy that is required to produce a pound of beef could sustain one hundred people for one meal. So, if a 365 lbs. cow could sustain one person for one year, then it could sustain one hundred people for one year. This is because energy transfer between food webs, is highly unproductive. That's because the life burns that energy through activity such as growth, reproduction, respiration, movement, etc. It needs to keep replenishing energy that is lost through those practices. So in a typical food web we see a much larger quantity of beings lower on the food web, that is, beings that get their energy through the sun, or through consumption of photosynthetic organisms. Still following?

what I'm saying is If you were to look at a typical foodweb, the amount of energy calories, which is measured in volume, is going to be much greater at the bottom because of the energy that gets lost through above activites. This is called the 10% efficiancy rule. Meaning, 10% of the energy that's available gets transferred to the next level in the food web. The grasshopper eats plants, which gets eaten by a frog, which gets eaten by a fish, which gets eaten by an osprey, which gets preyed on by a cougar.....etc etc.

So If you look at a cow, which gets fed primarily grass and corn, that grass and corn could be harvested for our consumption, and there would be a much larger amount of food available for other people. about ten times more, not counting the land that is used for cattle that could be used for agriculture.
So, using this approach, if everyone on the planet were to assume a lifestyle similar to mine in diet, the amount of land needed for agriculture to supply the world's population would be much less than we are currently using, which means more potential habitat for animals, less starving people in africa, a delay in global warming, the creation of new jobs and a stimulating economy due to new business ventures etc.

Did you know the world only gets 1% of its diet from marine ecosystems? Therefore, there's many things that we could eat in order to get our protein intake that we aren't even tapping into. Instead we're harvesting beef, and well..I just explained about that.

the problem stems from the fact that the Chinese (over 1 billion people) are beginning to have a "western" diet, high in meat products. This is going to put a huge strain on an already stretched food industry, and I think in the near future we're going to see a very bad situation arise from this.

Anyways, I was eating a vegetable sandwich (which is quite delicious mind you) outside of rehearsal today, and one of the actors begins to debate with me about why I've decided to do this. He didn't see my point of view, claimed that environmental science was based on emotion and not facts and dispelled what I said as pure emotion, and not truth.

Other people began to gather at this point and started talking about 2012........fuck

I've been trying to be optimistic about the survival of many the earths animal and plant species that are facing extinction, but the more I know, the more depressing it gets. Also, the more I realize how blind most people are on the subject of science, the worse it seems to be.

People put religion first, dispelling science as myth. I don't know how many times I've heard "the world's going to end soon anyways so why does it even matter" and every time I get closer to just decking that fucker in the face. It's exactly that kind of mindset that's further putting us into the shit hole. This 2012, end of the world, revelation phenonema bullshit.

In science class people were talking about how the general public has no idea about the issue facing our native salmon species. Did you know that over 100 species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest has been driven to extinction? Some of these salmon were over 130 pounds. But yet you can buy salmon at the supermarket for 5 dollars a pound. That's because those salmon are farm raised, extracted from a viable wild stock, or shipper from areas like russia, Chile, etc.

Anyways, sorry to be such a downer, but I don't get how people just don't want to educate themselves on these issues. It's no wonder we're fucked.


Hazelrah said...

People are retards, put lightly.
Our grandparents and theirs have created this nation for us, and how we eat and live our lives. Just today (at my work) a women wanted to substitute tofu for her chicken. The friend with her then cast a disgusted look towards her friend and uttered, "ugh, since when do YOU like that stuff?!" With each generation there becomes more and more hope of prolonging the healthy life of this planet. Your friends, family, and children will grow up around your morals and outlook, thus spreading the knowledge. What I'm trying to say, really, is that people are often TOO heavily set in their ways, and have no regard of gaining knowledge for the sake of knowing.

Hazelrah said...

Let's hope Monica's generation will break away from the everlasting eye-to-cell phone connection and DO SOMETHING WORTH WHILE.