Sunday, January 4, 2009

dealing with the public...

can be freakin' stressful! I'm sure anybody that's worked in a retail job has had their days where they just get a crapload of shitty customers. Well today was that kind of a day for me. I just have to keep telling myself that I'm going places and the only reason I get treated that way is because people get envious of my life, the fact that I'm happy, and that their stuck with no life whatsoever (to get mad about self inflicted late fees and expired coupons only proves that point).
To end the night on a happier note than I am, I have officially applied to Portland State University and Oregon State University. Of course I will get accepted to both because I managed to rock this term and bring my cumulative gpa to a 3.59! So all I have to do now is pick which university I want to go to.
I know today was awful but I just have to keep telling myself that I want to do this. I want to work, I want to be here. Japan is worth it Japan is worth it Japan is worth it. If I have my way (which I pray to God I do) I'll be studying abroad for a year in the land of the rising sun. I suppose we'll see what happens but I found a really cool program that if the Indian tribe pays for I will be able to afford and go do. I just have to keep studying the language and I'll be able to see this dream become reality.
I know this is long but I haven't updated in a while. The new term starts next Monday and so does some more acting! So if you want to see me in some productions I will be doing several, every other friday at the chemeketa mini-theatre. It'll be fun and you can watch me do my best on stage! I'll post more info as it becomes available to me.
Well just typing this made me feel a little better, and seeing as how I have to be up in 3.5 hours to go to Target I'm going to bed. Goodnight


Hazelrah said...

Retail. *Vomits* I feel your pain. When you look at your occupation it's much like a bank. Some people don't/can't understand that they have responsibilities and punishments. It's painful to think about how desperate some can get when they want their way.. Inflicting anger and pain on someone who is just doing their job. It happens. People are scum, but the amazing strangers make working retail worth it.

Betty said...

You are speaking to the saved, but you already know that. Keep me informed at the dates and times I would love to see you on stage doing you best at acting. BJ