Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sooo.....about that messenger...

Yeah it sucked. It really sucked, and Gabrielle was pissed.....more so than I've seen her before. I can't believe we all got shot down like that. Not one person successfully completed it, well....(self glory out!!!!)...I did after about 10 attempts. I'm not sure what Gabrielle was expecting out of us though, I mean, I normally don't read that kind of material so the language is really new to me, and the fact that I did as good as I did was surprising. But I bet if I had one more day I could have been able to do it.
The other person who I thought did good was Louis, had he been able to complete it that is.
Yeah this one's short, I have a hangover so what more do you want from me?

What do you think Rory? I thought it was rough but maybe I'm just the odd man out.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oedipus....epidus....eledis....ah forget it...

Soooo we're on our third week in acting two and everyone is going......uhhh.....well....we're all a bunch of slackers. What can I say? I've never done Greek Theatre before, it's challenging, and I also have 16 other credits that need my attention just as badly as this one. So as much as I love reading my monologue, I'm also bogged down with a million other assignments, but I suppose that's how it goes, oh and did I mention my car hates me?
Anyways, Greek theatre is rough. It's so different than what we think of today as acting, and it's something I've never done before, which makes it extra challenging, not sure how the rest of the class is doing, but I'm sure I'll find out Thursday....which reminds me.....Guys and Dolls on Friday!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
I can't wait to see that show! I think it'll be one of the better performances I've been to and it'll be cool to see a show again since the last one I saw was back in Early September (Water Puppet Theatre, Vietnam).
Oh yeah, back to Oedipus.
I think this piece is clear evidence of a cultural boundary I need to overcome, and if I can do this, then I'm pretty sure any theatre coming my way will be a piece of cake, I just have to memorize the damn monologue, and throw as much Greek stuff in there as possible (Voice, Actions, and commanding a 180 degree stage). Oh yeah...and actually finding the meaning in these jumbled sentences.
Anyways onto Rory, how do you handle this assignment? Is it difficult for you? Or have you done this before? Do you have any advice for me?
I suppose that's all

Monday, October 6, 2008


So here I am, after a terrible weekend, and a terribly stressful day...defeated....Let me explain.
Last weekend I was unable to fix my car after 10+ hours of trying to do so, the best I could do was put it back into the same shape it was before I even tried fixing it in the first place...and now I have to pay $250 so that way I can have it the relates to acting is this: While I was "fixing" my car, I could have been working on my audition, which was for the part of Eugene, and although I feel I did wasn't quite well enough to land me the part.
Two things that are so unrelated but make you feel just as crappy in the end. I couldn't fix my car because I'm not an experienced enough mechanic, and I couldn't land the part because I'm not an experienced enough actor.
However, it was slightly relieving to open my mailbox after today to realize my book for acting class had arrived! Now at least I can start reading the text and not feel so out of touch in class.
Speaking of class, I think we're supposed to read something...and pick a scene...and get a partner...Rory? Partner? Read? Scene?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Come one come all!!

If you're reading this blog then you know me, if not, then you can call me Thomas Atkins (the British version of Jon Doe), Tom, Tommy, Atty, Kinsy, or any other play on the name you would like. This is being used for two reasons:
1. I'm terrible at writing emails regularly
2. I'm going to talk about my life, primarily, my life in acting and all the mistakes and triumphs along the way.

As a short introduction, or じこしょうかい, I'm a college student, at the ripe age of twenty one. I have no interest to take acting as my major (I'm actually a science major), but I do plan to act for the rest of my days.

So there it is, I hope you enjoy the show.
